Showing & Telling the Love of Christ
(913) 884-7228
Being the church for us means reflecting God’s love for us in love for one another. We believe in being a family of broken people offering encouragement, support, and helping each other grow closer to Jesus. Through Sunday School classes, Bible studies, and youth groups we work together to study God’s Word so we can build a closer relationship with Him. We also get together to build relationships with each other with dinners, meetings, and fun events.
Of course, an important part of being the church together is coming together to worship God on Sunday mornings. While we are called to worship in all we do, there’s something powerful about meeting together to give ourselves to God. With a diverse community of believers, we try to give everyone an opportunity to worship in a way that fits our passions, while also challenging each other to give God glory in even the things that excite us less.
We share in 2 ordinances of the church: baptism and communion. Every other month we come to the Lord’s table to meet with Him in a tangible way; eating the bread and drinking from the cup. And we celebrate each time we have the opportunity to see a fellow child of God choose to follow Jesus and profess it in baptism. Along with those 2 ordinances, we celebrate new life in our church with Baby Dedication, as we commit to supporting families as they raise their children to know Jesus.